The aim of this WP is to explore spectral interferometry as the basis for creating novel sensors operating at both long-scales (metres) and nano-scales. For absolute distance, vibration and surface topography measurement at the long-scale, the key targets are rapid coordinate measurement with low system cost. At the nano-scale, the challenge is to produce an ultra-miniature sensor-on-a-chip for absolute distance, surface profile and layer thickness measurement. This WP contributes to the aim to support embedded metrology ‘cross-scale’ in high-value manufacturing by aligning Theme I, Objectives 2 & 4.
Meet the team

Prof. Jon Huntley
Loughborough University

Dr Pablo Ruiz
Loughborough University

Dame Prof. Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang
University of Huddersfield

Dr Haydn Martin
University of Huddersfield

Dr Christos Pallikarakis
Research Fellow
Loughborough University

Dr Andrew Henning
Research Fellow
University of Huddersfield

Dr Prashant Kumar
Research Fellow
University of Huddersfield
Martin, H., Kumar, P., Henning, A. and Jiang, X. “Extended sub-surface imaging in industrial OCT using ‘non-diffracting’ Bessel beams,” CIRP Annals Manuf. Tech. (accepted for publication), 2020. (Q1).
Furness T., Williamson, J., Fletcher, S., Iqbal, A., Henning, A., Martin, H., Jiang, X., Bertarelli, A., Carra, F. and Pasquali, M. “In-Situ Displacement Measurement for use in LHC Collimators,” EUSPEN 2020.
Henning, A., Williamson, J., Martin, H., & Jiang, X. (2019). Improvements to dispersed reference interferometry: beyond the linear approximation. Applied Optics, 58(1), 131-136. (Q1).
Tang, D., Henning, A.J., Gao, F., Gribble, A.P. and Jiang, X "Improved description of the signal formation in grating generated-optical coherence tomography," Opt. Express 27, 33999-34010 (2019). (Q1).
Jiang, X., Gao, F., Martin, H., Williamson J. and Li, D. Chapter 7, On-machine metrology, Hybrid Machining, edited by Xichun Luo and Yi Qin, 1st Ed. Academic Press (Elsevier), 2018; eBook ISBN: 9780128131138; Paperback ISBN: 9780128130599.