WP1 - Basic Non-diffractive Interferometry


Embedded Metrology Foundations
WP1 Basic Non-diffractive Interferometry
WP1 aims to investigate methods of extending the dynamic range in optical sensors which are a key criterion for enabling the integration of sensors for embedded metrology by allowing more flexibility in deployment and widening applicable measurement scenarios. The planned work focusses on the increasing depth of focus (DOF) using non-diffracting beams with additional work covering other aspects of dynamic range improvement. This WP is a contributor to the major HUB aim of transferring conventional lab-based metrology to fully embedded metrology through alignment with Theme 1 and Objectives 1 & 2.

Meet the team


Dame Prof. Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang


University of Huddersfield


Dr Haydn Martin


University of Huddersfield

Dr Andrew Henning

Research Fellow

University of Huddersfield

Dr Prashant Kumar

Research Fellow

University of Huddersfield


Dr James Williamson

Research Fellow

University of Huddersfield

Dr Dawei Tang

Research Fellow

University of Huddersfield

PhD Students

   Ali Rahmatinia (MSc by Research).



Martin, H., Kumar, P., Henning, A. and Jiang, X. “Extended sub-surface imaging in industrial OCT using ‘non-diffracting’ Bessel beams,” CIRP Annals Manuf. Tech. (accepted for publication), 2020. (Q1).

Furness T.Williamson, J.Fletcher, S., Iqbal, A., Henning, A., Martin, H., Jiang, X., Bertarelli, A., Carra, F. and Pasquali, M. “In-Situ Displacement Measurement for use in LHC Collimators,” EUSPEN 2020. 

Henning, A., Williamson, J., Martin, H., & Jiang, X. (2019). Improvements to dispersed reference interferometry: beyond the linear approximation. Applied Optics, 58(1), 131-136. (Q1). 

Tang, D., Henning, A.J., Gao, F., Gribble, A.P. and Jiang, X "Improved description of the signal formation in grating generated-optical coherence tomography," Opt. Express 27, 33999-34010 (2019). (Q1). 

Jiang, X., Gao, F., Martin, H., Williamson J. and Li, D. Chapter 7, On-machine metrology, Hybrid Machining, edited by Xichun Luo and Yi Qin, 1st Ed. Academic Press (Elsevier), 2018; eBook ISBN: 9780128131138; Paperback ISBN: 9780128130599.