Platform Programme Three - In-Process Metrology
The aims of this Platform Programme are (1) sensor development; (2) establish system-integrated ultra-precision freeform manufacturing and metrology platforms to explore the manufacturing technologies for the next generation freeform surfaces, and (3) create new single-shot interferometric techniques for R2R manufacture of Printed Electronics, to dynamically assess surfaces in-process. Additionally, Hub researchers have sought to commercialise a novel in-process metrology technology via the establishment of a new spin-out company.
Meet the team

Prof. Liam Blunt
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University of Huddersfield

Dame Prof. Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang
University of Huddersfield

Prof. David Walker
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University of Huddersfield

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University of Huddersfield

Dr. Hongyu Li
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University of Huddersfield

Zhen Tong
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University of Huddersfield

Dr Wenbin Zhong
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University of Huddersfield
Tong, Z., Zhong, W., To, S., Zeng, W. (2020) Fast-tool-servo micro-grooving freeform surfaces with embedded metrology, CIRP Annals – Manuf. Tech. 69/1.
Li, H., Walker, D.D., et. al. (2019) Mid-spatial Frequency Removal on Aluminium Free-form Mirror, Optics Express, 27(18): 24885-24899.
Li, D., Tong, Z., Jiang, X., Blunt, L. (2018), Calibration of an interferometric on-machine probing system on an ultra-precision turning machine, Measurement, 118:96–104.
Walker, D.D., Yu, G., Li, H., Myer, B.W., Beaucamp, A., Namba, Y., Wu, l., Advances in Optical Fabrication for Astronomy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(2) 11 May 2019: 2071-2082.
Mr Z Geng and Miss Z Zhang